1. Play a really good prank on someone
2. Run a 10k
3. Go zip-lining through the rainforest
4. Read Le Petit Prince and understand it
5. Watch all the Harry Potter films in a row without stopping
6. Meet...
-Hank Green
-Neil Gaiman
-JK Rowling
7. Knit a blanket
8. Learn to crochet
9. Hike the Appalachian Trail
10. Grow a vegetable garden
11. Go to...
-The Great Wall of China
-The gum wall in Seattle
-Yellowstone Park
-King's Cross Station
-Australian Outback
-New Zealand
-The Grand Canyon
12. Sing kareoke
13. Hike El Camino De Santiago again
14. Marry someone I love
16. Finish writing a novel
17. Have someone recognize me on the street from something I've done
18. Voice a character in a Disney animated film
19. Learn to ice skate backwards
20. Memorize the song "The Nations of the World" from the Animaniacs
21. Graduate cum laude
22. Appear on a game show
23. Have my palm read
24. Stop biting my nails
25. Ride on the back of a motorcycle
26. See a Ringling Brothers circus
27. Drink Champagne in Champagne, France
28. See the Yi Peng lantern festival in Thailand
29. Go skydiving (with a buddy)
30. Learn how to french braid
31. Win a short story contest
32. Give blood
Whelp, I haven't actually done much to cross off my bucket list yet...but that's okay! That's what dreams and goals are for, right? Right?