
Friday, May 25, 2012

Sitting in the Library

I'm back at the library again. There are people around and it's making me self-concious. People. Ugh.

I meant to work more on the Top Ten Disney Heroines list yesterday, but instead I spent the whole day (literally) reading The Girl who Played with Fire. I'm on The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest now, and liking it a lot. I expect I'll finish sometime tonight, but my cousin, Elizabeth, is coming into town tonight so I guess there's no guarantees. She is a year older than me, only a few months really, and we have been very close since childhood. She was supposed to come in last night but ended up having to work so she couldn't. She'll be here tonight though, and I'm looking forward to a break in the monotony of country living. She'll be someone good to talk to.

My cousin Erich's "band" came yesterday to practice. I didn't meet the boys, but according to Elizabeth they leave much to be desired. Their music is interesting, in that there are no lyrics and discernible beat. I spent the time watching the Legend of Korra episode that I had missed, and I think that it was time well spent.

I still haven't explored the library yet. The tables where I sit are right behind the magazines, a surprisingly small YA fiction section, and the manga racks. To the right looks to be a children's section. At least thats what I can gather from all the blonde mothers leading their squabbling children over there. I don't think I'll venture into the children's section--this library is much to busy for such an embarrassing action.

Across from me are movies and cds. No dvds. To the left are glass rooms with desks and I heard the woman at the information desk say the nonfiction section was that way.

From the look of the library you would think it would be two floors, but as far as I can tell it isn't. It makes me wonder what is happening beyond the ceiling above my head though. Is it just a vacuum of empty space? Storage for out of date books? The old, physical card catalogue system? The pickled corpses of unruly children? Who knows.

A family of geese is playing outside of the window I'm looking out of. How charming.

I'm afraid I don't really have much to say. I just wanted to let the world know that the Heroines List was coming soon. Thank you for your patience.

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