
Thursday, July 4, 2013


There's a stiffness in my joints
That comes from running too far
Running for miles, dawn to dusk, again
There is sweat and ache
And a stiffness
Or maybe it's from thinking about running

There's a stiffness in my joints
That comes from walking too long
Waling everywhere, without care,
Direction, and purpose
With a stiffness
Or maybe it's from thinking about walking.

There's a stiffness in my joints
That comes from standing all day
Standing straight and firm much too long
The work is never done 
It brings stiffness 
Or maybe it's from thinking about standing

There's a stiffness in my joints
That comes from sitting at least
Sitting through old and hard and sad
Why did I ever stand?
There is a stiffness
Or maybe it's from thinking about sitting.

There is a stiffness in my joints
That comes from flying at night
Flying up to places unreal
For they are too perfect
For the stiffness
Or maybe it's from dreaming about flying.

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