
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Link Recs and LoK

I thought today I'd just share a few funny/enjoyable things I've found on the internet that you might like too. Spread the love.

1) How Not To Clean A Window. This is basically a bunch of pictures showing people defying death in order to get their windows cleaned. It's hilarious and a little scary, which is the best kind of hilarity. The sad part is that I looked at some of the photos and thought, "Hey, that's not so bad! I would do that!" I tell ya, I'm a Darwin Award waiting to happen.

2) I believe John Green from the Vlogbrothers on Youtube mentioned this in a video of his, but I think it's worth sharing that there is an island called Luzon which is an island, in a lake, on an island, in a lake, on an island. This is where I'm escaping to in the event of the zombie apocalypse if you want to join me. Space is limited.

3) Do you like famous paintings? Do you like cats? Then you'll love Famous Paintings Improved By Cats! Seriously, go check this out. Now. I probably shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at it, but I can't regret it. It was the best 5 hours of my life.

4) This is a youtube video that I find lovely. It's kind of a fan-made music video to the song Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons with Ron Weasley. It is really well done and I feel like the song fits Ron very well. If you're at all a fan of Harry Potter or Youtube, it's worth a look.

5) One of the places to visit on my bucket list is the Gum Wall in Seattle, WA. Follow the link to the Wikipedia page about it and be amazed. The wall fascinates me in a way that partly makes me want to vomit but mostly makes my insides go mushy at the creativity of our species. As well as the sense of community it takes for everybody to band together in sticking their gum on a random wall and for nobody to come out and scrape it off.

6) Babies Tasting Lemons For The First Time. Am I a bad person for laughing at this? Then you're probably a bad person too. Go check it out.

7) OH MY GOD this just about made my life when I saw it. Disney Face Swap. Basically, some genius Disney fan swapped the characters faces. Hilarity ensued. Another thing that probably shouldn't' have entertained me as much as it did.

8) Youtubers Lucke Conrad, Alex Goot (Goot, really?), and Tiffany Alvord did a cover to Chris Brown's song Next To You. I'll admit to never having heard the original (I'm a fan of Chris Brown's face, not his music) but the cover is amazing. I bought it on itunes and it's a member of my Writing Papers playlist, which basically consists of about 10 songs that I listen to on repeat while I write papers. If you didn't get that from the title.

9) Here are some beautiful Disney wallpapers by alicexz that take my breath away. The one of Rapunzel with the gold and the purple is the background on my computer. It used to be a picture of my friends and I, but they got booted out for Da-Punzz.

10) Last but not least, 50 Unexplainable Black And White Photos. It's what it sounds like, but trust me, it's good.

In unrelated but very exciting news, an article came out announcing that Legend of Korra has been picked up for more episodes! YES!!!!!! From what I understand, Season 1 will be book one (which we just saw) and book two (which will come out in 2013). That is all they were originally planning for. Now they have added a Season 2 which will contain books three and four for an extra 26 episodes!

I'm really excited to see what the creators do with all this extra time. I've heard around that they pretty much already have book two finalized as far as plot and everything goes, which disappoints me a little because I enjoyed Avatar so much more because it was more spread out and...thorough, I guess. I wish they had known about the extra season earlier so that they could have incorporated that extra time into their plot lines.

But hey, I'm talking like this and the freaking thing isn't even close to being out yet. For all I know, they guessed that Nickelodeon would pick it up for another season and planned ahead. Who knows.

I'm just really curious to see what happens next. Korra's got her bending back, including air, Republic City is saved, she can give other people's bending back, she and Mako are in love, the baby is all right...what's next?!?!

I'm not so good at the patience.

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