
Friday, February 10, 2012

Meet Amanda

In the spirit of Doing Something I have decided to stop doing nothing. Or at least spend less time doing nothing. This means less time on the internet (Pinterest is my new addiction) and less time re-reading books I've already memorized (*cough*Harry Potter*cough*) and less time watching Friends. It makes me sound kind of pathetic to admit how much of my life that takes away. I spend a disgusting amount of time looking up Big Bang Theory clips on Youtube.

So, I'm doing things to stop the nothing and start the something, even if the something I'm doing that day isn't groundbreaking. It can be simple. For instance, yesterday I sat down and drew. Just to get this out there, I am no artist--by any means. I do quite a bit of doodling (which is largely why I almost failed AP Chemistry in high school) but even that isn't exactly artistic. My doodles mostly consist of pirate ships, smiley faces, hearts, palm trees, the occasional rocket ship, and snails. But I've always admired people who draw and wanted to try even if I couldn't do it well. So here is my FIRST EVER attempt at a human face. Please don't laugh.

For a first attempt, I don't think she's so bad. I think the main problem is her eyes... and bangs...and jawline...okay, so she's not very good. I love her anyway. I've decided to name her Amanda, doesn't she look like an Amanda? Maybe Amanda Finkle. I'm going to keep practicing my drawing until I am able to make something that, while not necessarily good, is at least something I can feel proud of. Although I do like Amanda's lips, they're so voluptuous! Again, please don't laugh. All my drawings before Amanda looked like this:
So I think you can understand why I'm so happy with Amanda.

In other news, I just got back from seeing The Chronicle. Two of my friends went to see The Vow, but my friend Julia and I weren't really into that. Channing Tatum is sexy like none other, but I didn't really need to see the movie. I pretty much could make up the plot myself.

Opening Scene: Couple is happy. Channing is sexy. Rachel McAdams is charming. They are the perfect couple. There is probably a scene of them undressing and getting ready for their 'special hug' time.

Conflict!: Rachel McAdams is hit by a car or something (as I gathered from the preview). She wakes up after accident and UH-OH doesn't remember who Channing, her new husband, is. Sadness ensues.

Filler: Rachel doesn't want to move back in with a man she doesn't know, so she ignores Channing's blatant sexiness and says, "No thanks, I'd rather move back home to my parent's house, thanks." Finally, she agrees to let the sexy and lovable man woo her all over again. Channing is thrilled! We begin to feel hope that the two shall one day be reunited!

Wooing: Channing most likely tries to recreate their past. Their second first date at the same place where their first first date was. Maybe he talks about how he first saw her and the utter fool he made out of himself because he thought she was so lovely. The wooing works. Sort of.

Climax!: Rachel has a panic moment. Can she really love Channing? Who knows! There is yelling. But the sad kind of yelling, with tears and lots of hand gestures.

Resolution: Against all odds, the couple makes up. Maybe they kiss in the rain, or the snow, or they ride off into the sunset, or there is fireworks--either way there is some kind of scenery going down. My guess is rain, cause then Channing's shirt will stick to his body and that is half the appeal of the movie anyway.

Do you see why I didn't watch it? The Chronicle, however, was awesome. I wasn't expecting much going into the film, but was pleasantly surprised. The storyline was excellent. The writers weren't afraid to leave things open; all the ends weren't nicely tied up and there was real tragedy and sadness in the film. It had layers. Did The Vow have layers? No. I don't want to give any spoilers, so the trailer for the film is here. I REALLY recommend that you go see it. I would say if anything it was similar to Super 8, which was also good, but this was better. So. Much. Better.

In other news, I'm watching my roommates make fools of themselves playing wii Just Dance. And one of them is wearing pink, fuzzy pajama pants with happy penguins on them. Can you picture it?

I am listening to Celebrity Status by Marianas Trench.

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