
Monday, February 27, 2012

Old People Are The Cutest

Recently, I have become obsessed with the utter balls of cuteness that are old people. It may seem a little weird to some of you. And it's true: old people are a little gross. They have lost most of their teeth and hair, their clothes smell like mothballs, they can't hear a thing you say, sometimes they can't talk much themselves, sometimes they're crazy, and they move pretty slowly. But...who cares? My roommate recently introduced me to the glory of old people, and I've procrastinated 4 days away googling them. Seriously, they are cuuuteee!! Who could resist or deny this face?

It's impossible. So, since I'm a bit pressed for time today, I decided to share some of the cutest old people with you. Enjoy!

This grandpa is so adorable! I want to adopt him and take him away form his current granddaughter who can't seem to stop poking his dangling ears. She obviously doesn't appreciate him as much as I would! I just love the fact that the grandpa is such a good sport for his granddaughters, So Cute!

And then there's this sweet little grandma! She's too cute! A fair warning though, inhaling helium can be dangerous, so watch out, peeps!

There are LOTS of cute old people on Betty White's Off Their Rockers. It's a show about old people pranking the younger generation. It's amazing what you can get away with when you're old! I will admit that I've only watched one episode and didn't bother continuing as it couldn't hold my interest too much, but the old people were so gosh-darned cute!

Now this couple is soooo adorable! I can only hope that someday I meet a man who plays piano and we can rock out little duets in our old age that will become Youtube Famous.

It just hurts, doesn't it? The cuteness, I mean. I think they old man shopping for a valentines day card is my favorite :)

And who could forget the King and Queen of Adorable Old People?
As the saying goes, Disney and Pixar told a better love story in 8 minutes without dialogue than Stephanie Meyer did in 500,000 words.

In other news, here's a quick, bulleted update on my life:
  • Dance Marathon is next Friday....Nervous and Excited at the same time!
  • Roomies and I meet a possible subleaser for next year tomorrow!
  • I went home this weekend and it was lovely.
  • My Italian is so awful I'm getting worried about studying in Italy next year.
  • Rice Crispies were buy-one-get-one-free at the grocery store today! Oh, the little joys.

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